Well as the title clearly states, I should SO be doing something productive to get my house ready for its final inspection on Tuesday, but instead I'm responding to a silly tag...that's SO much more fun!! ;)
Instructions were:
Go to Pictures/Documents Folder
Find 6th File
Post 6th Picture...something like that at least
Kyle decided to help me clean one day (as you can see, some time ago as he still definitely has that "baby face" appeal) and somehow climbed in the washing machine with no help at all...well I guess the little lint trash can put down by the washer was his only help aid but even so that's a big climb for a 1 yr. old!!
4 Easy Headband Hairstyles For School In 5 Minutes
Cute, no-heat headband hairstyles for every day wear!
[image: 4 back to school hairstyles using headbands.]
Hey guys! We are always looking for simple...