Friday, August 28, 2009

A Great Friend and a Not-So-By Chance Meeting

If any of you are vigilant watchers of FB, then you would know that my best friend from college (I was her Maid of Honor at her wedding even too!!) found me probably a month ago and I was ecstatic because I'd been looking for her for many months before that...and only to find out that she and her military husband have been living just an hour away in Quantico for some time now, but are now moving to NC for her husband to be a recruiter there, so a visit before she left was a must!! Though I had plans to post a pic here of her and myself from college being all child-free and easy and then one now with our broods..I couldn't figure out how to get a pic from in a scrapbook onto the you just get the here and now!! Isn't that better anyway?? It was great to see her again and I hope to stay in touch Girl!! :)

In Case One Picture Didn't Do It Justice!!

Okay so I started getting really interested in sewing and making cute clothes for my kids (esp. Destinee because let's face it girls are more fun to do that kind of stuff for) while in Korea after meeting a lady that did it all the time and made such cute I dabbled in it there and honestly what that means is I came up with an idea and had Chris come up with a way to turn such idea into a reality...(his mom taught all her kids to sew before they left the house) but since we've gotten here I've been getting better and this is one of my newest....yes I'm proud of it and that's one reason that there's 4 pics but also so you could see all the different "components" of the whole ensemble!! ;)