Well after like the 18th person said how cute my little "girl" was today in the BX (all Korean mind you) I guessed I should perform a little haircut on Kyle, and so in his cutest sailor suit ever...I mean, really could you see a girl wearing this and unless you're Shara Bailey, don't answer that!! ;) Anyway, so my little experimental model (no I've never cut hair before, gosh what do you think I am, a mom or something!!) sat perfectly still, maybe only because of the immobilizing fear inside of him that scissors were coming straight at his face and well that his mom was the one cutting his hair, and not actually someone who had ANY clue what they were doing...OR maybe it was just because he's just that good for me (sometimes!!) Either way, after his hair dried his curls are still there and will hang on for another month or so until another swarm of people decide to call my little sailor man a girl!! ;) On second thought, instead of cutting my baby's cute curls, maybe I'll just sock it to the next person that calls him that..yeah I like that better!! ;) Aren't I so sweet??