Saturday, December 25, 2010

Long time no see OR Good times not forgotten

While our family was stationed in Korea, we had the privilege of making some truly unforgettable friends that we miss very much nowadays not being able to see them. One of the older soldiers that went to church with us had a tradition with his family that they always ate mexican food on christmas eve. Well that particular christmas he was stationed 3000 miles away from them,and so his "ward family" in Osan Korea joined him for a delicious Christmas Eve dinner at the resident Taco Bell in the BX!! One of those special friends is pictured here with me at a chance meeting (after not seeing her for 2 years or so)...and where else would I meet her except for the closest Mexican restaurant!! ;)
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Poor Daddy (or Chris)"

What my mom will say after seeing this picture and realizing that this mound of stuff covers a sleeping Chris!! This should be a very dejavu moment for mom knowing how many fun ancient scrapbook pics we have of my brother and myself torturing my dad while he slept. (flowers on his bald head,arm floaties on his arms,all manner of things put into his gaping snoring mouth. When presented with this idea, the kids needed no other instrucrions,and started piling!! ;)
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Symphony of lights

A pretty light display around us, maybe too expensive for how long it took us to get through it (i.e. Not long!!) but very nice night activity.
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