Monday, January 28, 2013

Our B-ball Star

So both my boys have played sports off and on but the only other sport that Kyle has played was when he was three and it was soccer. Needless to say at that age he didn't know much of what was going on! So we decided to let him play basketball this winter (though we didn't know beforehand that we would be moving and he would miss some of the games) and man what a difference a few years makes in the ability of the kid playing sports! He has played four games I think now and in all but one he has made AT LEAST one basket!! He is actually really quite good and I hope he continues to excel in sports!!

A Surprising Spa Day

So for Christmas Chris and his best friend Jim got their wives a surprise manicure and pedicure at a salon here in Baltimore and so she and I went yesterday to cash in on our coupon before I leave and to have a day together!! So we head to the address on the coupon, but unbeknownst to us (Jim and Chris included) it is in the middle of downtown Baltimore and every mile that we get closer it gets a little scarier... Heading through very run down neighborhoods with bars on the doors, and to top it off two feet down the road from where the salon is begins a blue light district. Now for anyone who isn't acquainted with that phrase...a blue light district is a section of a town where even the cops will not patrol as the amount of criminals outweighs the number of cops to patrol!! So now onto the good part... When my friend and I hesitantly walk inside the building the smell of lavender and all manners of lovely smells overwhelm you and the sound of beautiful tranquil music can be heard throughout the building. We are then ushered into a room complete with cucumber water, and fruits, and chocolates. Then for the next three hours we are treated to luxurious salt scrubs on our legs and cuticle treatments for our nails. What a wonderful experience, and proves to the statement "You can't judge a book by its cover!!"