You have to be touched to be tagged, I was just trying to pull a funny, jeepers people get on board with me here!! Now pull your twisted eyebrows back into place because you have no idea what I'm babbling on about...Anyway I was tagged to answer some questions about my hubby, so like the person that tagged me said: I don't know how many people really care to know anything about Chris, but here goes anyway!!
Five Things My Husband, Chris, Loves
1.His kids
2.Me (how could that be possible, right??)
3. Pineapple Upside Down Cake (as evidenced by my previous post!!)
4. Cheesecake
5. Camping/Outdoor Activities (in all their no modern plumbing splendor!!)
Five Things To Do On His To-Do List
1. Finally be happy in a job (whether it be medical or languaging it up with some Hanguk-mal)
2. Right now, get back to the states!!
3. Build something himself (SOMETHING,ANYTHING)..somebody please appear some 2 x4 's around Korea so I don't have to hear about the 10 billioneth idea he has for building something when we get back to the states
4. Finish his degree
5. And finally, (Chris told me to say) Build something else!! I told you, he's out of control!!
Five Snacks He Loves
1. Salsa and Chips/Guacamole to dip the latter in
2. Samoas (You know the politically incorrect name for those yummy Girl Scout cookies with the stripes on them)
3. Brownies
4. And I've got nothing left for the other come up with 3 was a stretch...sadly my husband doesn't appreciate the wonderfulness of a nice snack at the end of the day!!
Five Things You May Not Know About Him
1. He is a wonderful seamstress (okay that sounds so gay, so I'm officially making up my own word and saying he is a wonderful fabric contortionist!!
2.His dad has his PHD in Analytical Geometry and his Mom has her Master's in some other disgusting form of that awful subject....yes I know that isn't about him but it does explain a wee bit why he's so flippin' smart in Math.
3. He had blond hair as a child
4. He has NO baby pictures of himself...I've seen one in our entire married life and that came from his grandparents but other than that I've never gotten to do the "Who does the baby look like" contest with our baby horrific I know!!
5. He can pretty much play anything that falls in the brass family of instruments!!
Five Places He Has Lived (This one's gonna be hard, since he's never been anywhere!!)
1. Georgia
4. California
5. Texas
Five Quirky Things About Chris
#1....The quirkiest thing BY FAR about Chris is that he has a "fetish" with silk binding. You know the kind at the top of your comforters, yeah he strokes it in between his fingers to "calm down" from a hard day at work, or whatever is stressing him out!! Whhhooohhhh, that feels good to get out, now people other than me can give him a hard time!! Such pressure being the only one that makes fun of him....Thanks for coming through for me readers!! ;)
2. Not really described as quirky but hey I'm dying here trying to come up with this stuff...but without his glasses or contacts in he can't see anything. Yes I know that sounds normal to say the least but I truly mean NOTHING!! Now I'll test the people that say they actually like reading my blog....ask me about the Boy Scout Camp to see how truly bad Chris's eyesight is!!
3. He loves to cook as well...okay I'm done with quirky 'cause I got nothing and this last one was pathetic. My husband just isn't the "quirky" type, he's the more boring/Joe Blo kinda guy, so nothing too crazy to report!! Love ya Dear!!
4. Just thought of an actual good one...he's deathly afraid of rollercoasters!! He says it's a control thing...whatever man you're just supposed to sit back and enjoy the ride!! ;)
Now Who To Tag?? ( I know you're sitting on pins and needles hoping and praying it's you!!)
1. Shara
3. Kacee
4. Ivy
5. Di (definitely want to hear from you Di, get some funny dirt on the Ol' Bro!!)
4 Easy Headband Hairstyles For School In 5 Minutes
Cute, no-heat headband hairstyles for every day wear!
[image: 4 back to school hairstyles using headbands.]
Hey guys! We are always looking for simple...