Friday, June 22, 2012

Decision 2012...Evil or Funny!!??

So we went to a relief society enrichment activity last night that was African culture night and long story short one of the ladies brought out some clay that is a legitimate source of food there in Nigeria and I had my kids try it telling them that I had tried it first and then it was very yummy and here are the results!! I also volunteered to let the ladies wrap me in one of the pretty turbin things...Can I pass for African??

My New Baby!!

No, not a real baby... Chris says we don't have room for one of those but we sure had room for my new mobile baby...long story short, my white van was disposed of by my dear husband when he decided we didn't need it anymore and crashed it into another car!!(no one was hurt so that's good) and this is my new replacement!! We weren't supposed to get it until after Chris left but good old USAA came through as usual and here we are with a beautiful new LOADED van!! ;)