Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Forgotten etc....

To explain the silly picture of me and the stroller...I was thoroughly surprised to find when we got to the museum that they allowed you to use the strollers for babies or whatever..nothing unusual yet...but for free!! Usually amusement parks or places like that at least charge you to use their strollers so this was a pretty nice one actually to be able to just use for the day with no extra charge. The second picture is the view from outside the doors of the museum.


The Dennis's said...

I hope you guys have a wonderful time in Siapan! I need to go see that liger!

tarheelsuperman said...

hey hun
the tag is just the next post down... the one that has like "10 years ago" and stuff like that with *'s beside them... call it whatever you'd like. :)

hope you have a great day! welcome home. :)

leah said...

that's me. ^ ... Doh!