Thursday, May 29, 2008

So the Truth Comes Out!!

Well I was perusing one of my old high school friend's blogs tonight and came across this mommy test that she had taken and so I thought I would take it and see what "mothering style" I have...other than the one I give myself which is in the style of: "Yells to be listened to, always rushing around, and apologizing to every Tom, Dick, and Harry (well I guess that Jane, Susie, and Mary would be more appropriate 'cause I never have to deal with Dads) for what my rambunctious 4 year has done to their sweet little angel!! Anyway, here are the results in no particular order ;)

ENTP: The "Independence" Mother
  • Full of energy and confident in her own self-sufficiency and competence, the ENTP mother encourages her children—as a role model and as a teacher—to be independent and confident on their own in the world.
  • A “big picture” person, she points out options and possibilities along the way. Objective and logical as well, the ENTP wants her children to evaluate their choices and learn from the consequences of their own decisions.
  • The ENTP mother is resourceful and action-oriented. She likes going places and doing things with her children, exploring all that life has to offer. She is less concerned with rules, routines, and schedules. Introducing her children to new concepts and activities, challenging them, and stimulating their intellectual development are top priorities.

So maybe it'd be interesting for you to check out what this "all-knowing and seeing" website says about you...I mean it's on the computer it has to absolute fact right!!?? ;) Click on the title of this particular post and it will take you there!!

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