Friday, November 14, 2008

If You Don't At First Succeed Then...Put It On Your Blog!!

Isn't that how that statement goes?? Anyway, I was trying to make a little booklet of the dresses I'd made (or rather that RC Creations had made-RuthChris Creations!! Aren't we just sickening!!) for the bazaar so that if one sold then I could show other people what I DID have and what they could "custom order"...okay well when I tried to do that in Microsoft Word the picture took up like the entire page when all I wanted was a thumbnail I guess I'll be waiting for the computer guru of the house to do that for me!! But until then, I thought..."Hey I already have the pictures on the computer and at least I do know how to upload them to my blog so hey why not, maybe somebody other than my mom a million miles away might like to see them!!" (Direct Quote of myself mind you!!) ;) So here they are!! *Sorry I wrestled with myself on whether to say anything about buying them, but if you like them you know where I am!! ;)

1 comment:

Mom Erwin said...

I think all of the dresses are beautiful! I am so impressed with all of them. Your "company" does good work!