Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fall Frolicks Part 2

I know you're probably getting tired of "look at my kids jumping in leaves" pics because well who cares other than their family, right!!?? Anyway, I just wanted to put these on so you could see the vast amount of leaves we had amassed here and the air time that Destinee got....and I just loved the "buried face in the leaves" pic of Dalin...I guess you have to capture them on film when you can looking innocent so that when the non-innocent times happen (they seem to happen alot more than the others, that happen to you too??) ;) you know they have their good moments!! ;)


Mom Erwin said...

We all love jumping in leaves, don't we? Do you remember when we jumped in them in Garner, Destinee? Dalin was pretty little but he tried a time or two also. Have a great Thanksgiving at Dan's!

Clarissa Grover said...

That is the sweetest picture of Dalin... love it! We'll be headed your direction in a couple weeks and hope we can run into you.