Wednesday, December 23, 2009

SNOWNAMI of 2009

Well here they are....doesn't fully show the insaneness of it, like a neighboring friend's blog has a pic of her with a tape measure in the snow up to 20".....and we did the same thing, we just never took a picture of it...but the one with our door shows how far up the door frame it came in...soon after that picture was taken Chris was hooting and hollering about how happy he was to be officially "snowed in" to our house and couldn't leave...but we did leave anyway to take some food to some homeless people of the town we leave in..aren't we such Good Samaritans!! (Even though we had to push the car out for 10 minutes to get there!!) ;)

1 comment:

Mom Erwin said...

That is a lot of snow for sure but it is beautiful to look at!