Monday, December 14, 2009

WHOOH!! Another One Down!!

Well since we all know, or in case you didn't I don't have a camera for me to tote around with and just shoot randomness whenever I want anymore...Chris has his big SLR and it's great but it's WAY too complicated for me so hopefully Santa will hear my "plea" for my own simple point and shoot and then maybe I will finally get pics of the awesome that occurs when I plan a church party, but until that time you'll just have to imagine the most decorated,seasonal,yummiest,most entertaining Christmas party you can imagine and then tone it down a few 1000 notches and that's what you can picture for our ward Christmas party. ;) But seriously, I was proud of myself for all the planning that went in to it, I think it turned out quite well, complete with a skit including many ward families and an orchestra playing Christmas music and OF COURSE the big red guy!! ;) So tune back in for pics of a Valentine party or something...I certainly hope to have a camera by then!! ;)


Mom Erwin said...

I am glad your ward party went so well. They are a BIG job but so satisfying when everyone enjoys it.

Adam and Sariah said...

Great job. I don't have a calling right now and I am SO grateful for that. I wouldn't be able to keep up with one, so good on you. Now you can relax for the holidays. Miss ya.