Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where Have All The Bloggers Gone??

Well with my luck and agility, I managed to sprain my ankle coming down the stairs last night and hopefully if there is a heaven, it can be "fixed" by just icing and stuff and not having anything more extreme to have to do to it, but the point of my title here is everytime I have checked my fellow blogging constituents on my page, there has been next to nothing if anything new going on in their lives that they felt worthy of posting. You guys have to know that I'm here waiting with baited breath just to get a glimpse into your lives, so come on and help a sister out while I have nothing to do but put my foot up and relax for a little bit!! ;)


Mom Erwin said...

I hope it is improving and icing and wrapping it will help. Tell me how it is going.

leah said...

:) Just for you, I'll go add something right now... :)

I hope your ankle is all better soon!!!

Mom Erwin said...

We haven't heard more about the ankle so I am assuming and hoping it got better fairly quickly. Be careful on those front steps. It was fun to sit on them when I visited and watch the kids play.