Thursday, August 5, 2010

Whatcha Doin' With Your Summer??

Well, actually I've been very industrious (at least for the last few days) and have been very proud of myself in the things I've put together to entertain the kiddos. Let's see...two days ago we went to the Crytologic Museum over near NSA (No Such Agency!!) and got to see a small tidbit of what the hubbies do over in the dark building with no windows..the kids got to go on a deciphering mission with 14 different messages to decode and then got some pretty cool prizes...very awesome, I must say. Then yesterday, I took the kids to what should have been the Horizon Organic Dairy Farm (previously owned and used by the Naval Academy here in the early 1900's to provde milk to all their students.) I had a "Fun Things to Do with Family in Maryland" book and this was one of the activities and so reading about the petting zoo, hands on activities, hay rides, tours, etc. I thought this would be a great day trip. Well after getting to where the GPS said the farm should be, and finding it COMPLETELY deserted/run down/and all around like a ghost town (or farm in this case)..we thought something might be a little off, but HEY who's up for an adventure. So we got to still pet the horses, sheep, and see cows with NOT one single person around to tell us what we could and couldn't do. Why do you ask did the book say all these wonderful things existed here, and we find a ghost town...the book was published in 2004!! Better check those publishing dates next time, before I venture out huh!! Well, not being satisfied enough with our outing for that morning, we went to a park that we'd never been to, with large climbing trees and an overall wonderful atmosphere for a picnic.
Then today, well the picture explains what we did least I hope you can tell..we made body prints out of freezer paper and the kids got to decorate them as they chose. Pretty neat!! Now tell me what you've been up to?? ;)


Mom Erwin said...

What fun ideas! You are a creative Mom. When does school start there? It starts August 11th here - that sounds so early to me.

Krazy Fam said...

You wouldn't think that it would be that out of date being from 2004. Sorry that it turned out to be a bummer. The kids probably didn't mind one bit though. :)