Saturday, June 18, 2011

Brave Buddy Pt. 2

So now we are headed to the dentist where they look and say that though they could try to save the tooth with a cap,since it was a baby tooth, they thought the best idea would be just to pull which I asked if he would have a replacement tooth or teeth (pulling both they said might be best for symmetry and because both took quite a beating)and they said no. Well fast forward to the dentist telling kyle about laughing gas, and he is completely on board!! He let's them mess around in his mouth, and numb his lips and gums 4 times without so much as a peep all while he is smiling and happy watching bob the builder and sniffing his "happy gas." The dentists all came to see this wonderful 4 year old patient that is as calm as a cucumber...and then came the actual pulling and he didn't love that nearly as much only because afterwards they made him chew on big wads of gauze to soak up the blood and he said nothing hurt but that his lip felt funny and the gauze felt weird,and so he wasn't too keen about that but the second we got back in the car he was out like a light and hasn't skipped a beat since..especially when he got his yoda little man with his tooth fairy my little toothless wonder but hate that this happened.
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