Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Decade pt. 2

Then we go in search of a watch for my main bday present because my old watch had a run in with my trying to be helpful husband and didn't fair so well. Did you know that changing your own watch battery is not as easy as what it may sound.. Well Chris found that out the hard way..my Casio g shock watch from Korea (tremendous watches btw) was virtually indestructible which is great as I break my fair share...well after 4 years its battery dies and Chris knowing I hate to be without my watch tried to change the battery for me and pulls the innards out of the watch in the process...3 watch repair shops later with absolute no success,which brings us to the current "looking for new watch stage." Lo and behold the one I had was a limited edition and is no longer able to be found ANYWHERE!! Finally in the last of like 5 stores that say they carry baby g watches I find a very similar..actually color wise even a little better one that I absolutely love...round out the day with two pairs of New York and Company pants courtesy of a buy one get one free coupon and a luscious dinner pictured here, with a free redbox of Dolphin Tale and we've had a pretty good day...Here's to 30 and we'll see you soon!! ;) The Lego creation is something my boys made me today while I was getting a red box movie..can you tell what it says?


Dianna said...

Sounds like a great day! And I'm glad you found your watch!!!

Mom Erwin said...

That is a fancy watch. I hope you had a great birthday (and at least I know our gift got there in time since we mailed it with the kids' valentines.)