Monday, March 19, 2012

How'd She Do, Mom?

One of the programs in our church is called the Faith in God program, where girls aged 8-11 have many different activities that they are asked to complete so that at the end of their time in the program (age 11) they will receive a medallion or necklace to reward them for keeping that "faith."  One of the choices was to teach a Family Home Evening lesson (just a small gospel centered story or activity) about Joseph Smith and mistakenly I stopped the video halfway through so I hope it comes through in the two parts that I filmed!! Now remember, she had to create the whole thing on her those "thought bubbles" in this one..all her idea...I couldn't keep from smiling ear to ear behind the camera because she is so much like me that it almost hurts!! Enjoy Grandma and Grandpa (mostly!!)

1 comment:

Mom Erwin said...

Destinee, you did a great job in explaining Joseph Smith's vision to your family. We have always been so proud of you and continue to be so. Dallin and Kyle, we heard you answering questions too. It is good to earn those special Primary (and later YW awards) - they show you have met challenges and fulfilled requirements - way to go! Grandpa watched them with me too and sends his love (it is hard for him to hear all the words but he is sure it was well done - I repeated many of them for him.)