Friday, June 29, 2012

If I was that kind of person...

So my son and I went to go play at a friends house yesterday and overall was a great fun day. Well my five-year-old decided to go sliding on a playground that the community had there and apparently got a little burned from the heat on the slide... well this is picture of day one and then the underneath is day two isn't this the kind of stuff people sue over if I was that kind of person!!


Mom Erwin said...

That is always a problem in hot weather. Out here many of the parks now have triangular covers over some of the equipment because otherwise it would be unusable in the summer. I hope it feels better soon, Kyle.

Mom Erwin said...

That is always a problem in hot weather. Out here many of the parks now have triangular covers over some of the equipment because otherwise it would be unusable in the summer. I hope it feels better soon, Kyle.