Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's About Time!!

We've had Everland passes for over a year now and have gone there maybe twice since then...and to think we spent ____ dollars on those things!! (I'm not even mentioning how much they were because my mom might fall over with some heart palpitations if she knew!!) Anyway, so we finished up our long weekend with Chris at Everland on Monday night...yeah the kids had to go to school the next day too, and to top it off it was picture day!! So if their eyes look like two pee holes in the snow (phrase courtesy of my dad) in their school pictures we'll know it's just because they had too much fun at Everland to want to sleep that night!! :)

1 comment:

Susan said...

too cute!!!! We just went the other day!!!! we had ablast, sorry we missed you guys, but it looks like you were there at night, did you see anyone you knew?
Susan :)