Monday, April 6, 2009

Mom I'm So Sorry....

Who knew it began so early....the statement that most parents dread coming from their (insert age here) aged child 10 minutes before bed OR maybe even better 10 minutes before school starts..."Mom/Dad I have a book report due today and I'll fail if it's not done....or scenario #2 "Mom I signed you up to bring 2 dozen cupcakes for the bake sale today..can you do it,hmmm,hmmmm??" Well let's address scenario #1 today.....Destinee tells me at approx. 5 pm (as Chris has just been rushed out the door to the hospital by his friend Jim) "Oh yeah, I need to read a non-fiction book about dinosaurs and write a book report on it due tomorrow or I have to do it during recess." As tempted as I was to say "Tough Tacos and that's a bummer on recess"...I decided for once to be the "good/nice parent"...I know foreign concept for me, and help her do the best project we could muster without tape/poster board/or most importantly a BOOK to present about!! Then the brilliance that occurs inside of my brain occasionally remembered a book that I had bought for the boys for the plane ride over here from Korea and thought it would work perfectly!! So armed with a high temp glue gun (which hurts VERY badly when in contact with a skin surface), a Capri Sun box, and some dino action figures that came with the aforementioned book we set to work!! What you see in the pictures is our best attempt at one of those cheesy shoebox diaramas that you said if you ever had a kid you'd never let them make...well there you go....all resolutions are thrown to the wind at 6 pm the night before the due date!! And we even came up with a game to test the children on how well they listened to the facts Destinee presented!! Not bad for a rookie/6pm mom!!

1 comment:

Mom Erwin said...

It looks cool. How did she do with her grade? Great, I hope. I can assure you, this is only the 1st of many years of similiar experiences. Thank goodness, you will have your household goods soon.