Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Now That's Value!!

If this was Wednesday, I might just entitle this one a Wordless Wednesday post and not have to say anything else but since it's not AND it's me that we're talking about here...oh c'mon I couldn't have not said anything even if it was Wednesday!! ;) Anyway, after a successful grocery shopping trip yesterday I came home and just had to show my fellow bloggers where they need to be getting their the regular supermarkets have prices as low as $.99 for cereal but I've also certainly seen them as high as $4.00 for a reg. sized box of cereal. Let's get real here consumers..what are you really paying for....$4.00 for a REGULAR size box of sugar-coated hyperness for your children to consume..well have I got a deal for you. My local Super Wal-Mart (yes boo hiss Walmart if you must) has this gigantic bag of the same sugar-coated, bounce-off-the-wall, pleeeaassseee for heaven's sake just sit down bag of cereal for the same price that you paid at your local supermarket. Now you tell me that isn't getting what you "paid for!!" ;)


Dianna said...

that is one freakin huge bag of cereal!!!!

Amy Niebuhr said...

That is a HUGE bag of cereal. How long will it take you to get through it all? It would be gone in no time at all at our house. Tyler and Lily LOVE cereal. Lily ate 3 bowls the other morning.