Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Knight and Thespian

Well here are my two "genteel" boys with their flea market purchase!! How much better for a four year and one year boy to dress up in a knight's costume (complete with sword,shield and helmet!!) than princess tiaras and hoochie-mama short skirts!! (All Destinee's and well she gets bored with no sister to dress up so sorry Dalin you're big sister's model for today!!) Anyway, in case any of you don't know what a thespian is (I'm not trying to insult your intelligence just trying to save some confusion for those that might wonder why I was calling my son an awful name that sounds a WHOLE lot like that) Anyway, definitely wasn't and a thespian is a person of the stage and dramatics persuasion so to say, which Dalin does a great slow dying scene here don't you think!! Future Romeo in the makings!! ;)

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