Friday, September 26, 2008

All I Can Say is Yummy!!

Well this happened a few days ago but Kyle wanted some cereal and juice, but definitely protested when I tried to put the juice in a cup...he wanted it in his cereal bowl!! I mean, "Duh Mommy, doesn't everybody eat juice on their cereal!!" This picture is actually of the Cookie Crisp that we tried second after the Cap'n Crunch...and he was a much bigger fan of the Cap'n Crunch Juice Mess, but of course I didn't think to get the picture until he had the second bowl of Cookie Crisp!! ;)

1 comment:

Adam and Sariah said...

Okay, since you already think that I am allergic to everything, I might as well tell you that I had juice on my cereal all growing up. And why, you would ask, because I was allergic to milk! At times I had goat's milk, but that was expensive, so apple juice or orange juice would work just fine. Just thought I would give you one more tid bit into my life to confirm the fact that you think that I am weird.