Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tent City in S. Korea

Doesn't everybody remember their parents helping them build a "fort" or "tent" in between the dining room chairs...despite their usual begging and pleadings to play with them or help them do something that knowingly will trash the living room...well I actually on this day which is the rarest of occasions really actually got into helping them do it (probably because Kyle was napping and so I didn't have to handle one more!!) and so I set up a lamp in there so they could pretend it was like a real campout and they had their "flashlights" and then I brought them some of their play kitchen utensils so they could "cook" me breakfast over the campfire!! Anyway, I think they really enjoyed it,especially because I didn't put them aside for once and tell them.."No I'm busy I can't play with this or help with this..."so there is something to be said about parental play even if it does knowingly trash all your hard work of cleaning just so you can go on a living room campout with your kids!! ;)

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